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Yeah black bears are rarely ever aggresive. If he comes up to your tent, he's probably curious. A few loud noises and he would be gone.
Black bears evolved next to other bigger, badder predators. They are more likely to climb a tree for safety rather than fight. Even a mama with cubs isn't really a danger. Even when they do attack, fighting like hell will usually make them run.
I've been within 10 ft of a 200 lbs black bear 3 times in my life. On 3 consecutive days a actually. Camping and a neighbor camper had food in unlocked plastic totes, the bears in that area knew to go after these totes. Walked by and there he was, saw me, grabbed a mouthful of food and ran off Incredibly fast. That fucking bear ate a 2 gallon container of sour patch kids, he must have had bear diarrhea like a bastard for days. Had the neighbor lock up his food, but ran into him again the next night, unsuccessfully trying to get into the totes. 3rd night he climbed into the back of my cousins truck and was tossing out totes of clothing. We scared him out and left some good scratches on his truck, which he never fixed because it was a good story.
Brown bears are nasty. They will fuck you up.