I have a compound bow I use mainly for small game but that could also take down a boar but I wouldn't take it in a SHTF situation. You need to maintain the bow, plus, you lose and break arrows constantly, especially if you had to use it everyday in a survival scenario. I've never used one but I'm guessing a slingshot would be good enough to take down squirrels and maybe rabbits and it is certainly lighter.
By the way, I'm from Portugal and I'm not familiar with the gun laws in Germany, but over here it isn't that hard to obtain a firearm, all you have to do it take the hunting license test and the firearms test and you're good to go, that is, if you want a rifle or shotgun, for pistols you need to apply for a self-defense weapons category and that one has a waiting list of like a year and a half. But since we're both in the EU I'm guessing the laws can't be that different, how hard is it there to obtain a firearm?