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[18 / 6 / ?]

No.525806 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey /out/,

this is my first time posting here, but I have lurked a bit- and props on being the nice as board.

but enough with buttering you guys up, I have a question.

so, I'm from Australia, I'm in year 12 ( i'm 18 so inb4 underage), and at the end of this year myself and two buddies are going on a 250km bike trek, to go and camp on a salt lake bed.

what I would like is the expertise of /out/ to tell me:
> what to bring
> how to bring/pack what we take
> how to prepare
> different shelter ideas ( we don't know if we want to lug tents)
> anything that you guys feel we should know

it doesn't matter how obvious it is, just mention it. I'm pretty much spearheading the whole trip so I wan to compile a pack list .etc.

also, google maps says that it would take about 12 hours of riding to get there. How reliable is that? should we maybe split it into two riding days?

thanks in advance guys, I will be here to answer any questions as well.

pic unrelated