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No.526458 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm so angry right now I can't even contain it, absolutely sick of these urban fucks coming up and just destroying everything here
Canadian and I live in a largely wooded rural area, But we've been getting lots of cottage goers buying up land and shitting everything up here.

Like today my cunt neighbor (she has a shitty cottage on a small clear cut lot, I own several acres beside mostly wooded) just shot a bear on the river.
There was no reason for it, it wasn't on her property (it was on mine on the other side of the river) and it was doing nothing threatening, but she got out on her dock and shot it, leaving the body to bleed out and fester in the river.

I go out to ask her wtf she was doing and she says she doesn't want any animals coming near her lot there because she's afraid for her little dog.

I yelled at her for a while and called the game service on her to arrest her for illegal hunting as well as shooting things on my land.

The cops took her away not too long ago, hopefully they arrest her and I can maybe get her kicked out of the community here. She has done lots of bullshit like this before but usually more minor things.

they won't take away the body though so I'm going to maybe tow it down river or try to pull it on shore and bury it.