>>537203That's not "one photo", that's several stacked into one.
Your brain plays a lot of tricks on you to fill in the blanks for what you see. Cameras don't do that...
One shot is the trees/foreground. Looking at the angle of the shadows and "fill" on the trees, I'd guess there's a strobe or two that fired to light the ground.
Other shot's the sky, or rather, probably a dozen shots or so added together into one image. Fast glass (big aperture, small F-number) and a good sensor (bigger = more surface area to catch photons (FX, "full-frame" 35mm, or medium-format+).
Then once you have those two shots, mask out the sky from the trees/ground shot and paste it over the shot of the stars.
>tfw I haven't taken my camera out of its case in three weeks