[89 / 18 / ?]

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Alright /out/, how about a long term mobile survival thread?
>How would you survive if you need to get somewhere 100 miles away and all the roads are locked up around you?
>Where would you go on your respective continent?
>Do you know basic land navigation?
>What's in your kit?
>Do you have maps and a compass?
>Would you make it to your destination easily on foot or would you have major problems based on your skills?
>What would you buy if you could afford it to add to your kit?
>How would you survive if you need to get somewhere 100 miles away and all the roads are locked up around you?
>Where would you go on your respective continent?
>Do you know basic land navigation?
>What's in your kit?
>Do you have maps and a compass?
>Would you make it to your destination easily on foot or would you have major problems based on your skills?
>What would you buy if you could afford it to add to your kit?