>>540563>higher quality threads..Really?
>hay guize u leik traps? TRAP THREDS 4 EVERY1!>Furfag bread! furries get in here>quads gets my gfs nudes>who thinks I should kill myself? Anyone? >hay dudes my boss fired me. Lets show him u don't mess with Anonymus!!!1! Spam his kik its burger_guy69. hurry plz guys!>I'm homeless now, what do? /b/ has become nothing but newfags trying to fit in with other newfags, flaunt their recycled ideas, display their inflated self-images and make shitty attempts at being part of their stupid "counterculture". Most of them don't even know that there are other boards, much less that this site started out on anime. If they do, they're oldfags trying to live on in their "good old /b/", or dipshits who act like every other board is a containment board.
It's like /b/ turned into a cesspool of people who migrated here because they're too conservative for Tumblr, too untalented for deviantArt, and too edgy for Reddit. The worst part is that they think it's some kind of justification for coming here, like knowing a few memes and alternating between saying lel, lol, and kek will make them fit in somewhere unique
There are upsides to /b/. The people there can do some pretty great shit when they work together, and a lot of the culture is some of the most indiscriminate I've ever seen. But knowing that most of them don't understand their own behavior or why they display it just saddens me.