>>544849Eagle here, haven't been involved with scouts since age 18, but still proud to go and call myself one.
I stuck with it, even though the other scouts were all assholes.
I was the only gamer there. Everyone else was ALL for basketball instead of video games.
Still... I had the best scoutmaster ever. Not going to name names here, but...
Guy took us out to a waterpark rather than off to the woods to go camping once, and we literally camped in the parking lot of the water park for a weekend.
More than that, though, was the time we were in boy scout camp. We were all working our asses off, trying to get the 500 word Environmental Science essay done, and were going to skip dinner.
Like a champion, he tells us, breaking ALL the rules for scout camp, that if we get the essay done, and skip dinner, he'd sneak us out of camp to get food.
We did so and had an epic taco feast.
SOMEHOW no one ever caught on that it happened, and we got through safely.
He was the sort of guy that not only cared about the work being actually done, but wanted us to have fun while we did it.
Sad to say, I can't brag too much about my own accomplishments as an eagle, I'd rather not get my old scoutmaster in deep crap for the "sneaking out of camp" incident.
His replacements all sucked, though. "Oh, we're not off to do merit badges! We're going out to eat spicy hot chicken wings, instead!"
"I hate spicy food, though!"
"You're going, and you're going to like it!"
"Well, fuck."