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Hike Thread

No.545903 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wassup /out/bros? Anyone gone on any hikes recently? Share what you have.

Late last week I took a train from Zürich to Schweiz to hike the Grosser Mythen, a slab of granite that jets from the landscape to an elevation of 1900m. Immediately out of the bahnhof in Schweiz the elevation begins to steadily climb and the angle continues to increase until 30m before the summit to where it flattens out a little bit. Before actually hitting the rocky route at the base of the rock formation, the lower half of the hike mianders through the woods and grazing areas for cows.

Though, the trail is not kept during this stage. Once you get to the base of Mythen you can see where there were once sharp stones that have been chipped away by tools, and there are areas where chain rails have been installed to keep people from falling over the side which would no doubt equal serious injury or death. Over all, this is one of the steepest hikes I have done in a long time, but you are rewarded with a great panorama of the entire region and if you feel like it, a coffee and a nussgipfeli from the small hut at the top by an extremely large man wearing white crocks.