Okay I got the first real page transcribed:
>2 20 15
> Its 11:31 PM. Second semester and I still have no friends. Haven't had any since middle school, and I don't know why. Everyone I try to be friends w/ act like I'm the plague. I realize I'm the common denominator, and I really just want to know why. In HS., I was always quiet. I didn't fit in and tried desperatly to. I joined sports, tried to be "cool" yet I always sat at my computer from 4 to sleep weekdays, and morning to sleep weekends. I think I hung out w/ people 1ce in H.S..
> My Junior year I got curious about pot. I watched the Union and decided I would try some. Me, lacking soc. skills, I ordered a gram of Sour D. and a gram of Lemon Something from silkroad. I smoked it out of a waterbottle bong, and that was it. I was happy.
> I got into a funk. I ended up at the point where I spent whole paychecks on weed. My dealer was my only "friend." Of course I knew he <unreadable> only talked to me because I gave him money, but still. It eventually got to the point where my parents found my grow tent, stocked with $1k wworth of equipment.
> I had cops called on me, slept outside miles from home, lost my door, lost my job, and lost my parents' trust. Initially I rebelled, but as more and more sanctions were <unreadable> I eventually stopped smoking. Those first ?few? weeks after were beautiful.
There is another weird marking along the left margin.