First, the entire world won't simply collapse. Problems appear somewhere, but not everywhere at the same time. When shit hit the fan, the room is full of shit, not the home. Not the town.
Now, if we run out of food, it mean that we will be willing to pay more for food. We are producing enough for 12 billion people, and if we kill and eat every animals and eat their food, we may even survive a full year without cultivating anything.
And you may want to know that the EU export food, and heavily subsidize his agriculture so the African and Asian farmers can't compete on the international market.
Then, plants are not just going to explode. Life is not made by Michael Bay. They may be shut down, one or the other may have an accident, but you are not going to see all of them exploding at the same time. It take less than two week to secure a nuclear reactor and to place the fuel in secure containers to give you an idea.
Argentina stole the money people had in the banks and society didn't collapsed. At worse we will have a 1929 style crisis, but again, society did not collapsed.
>Sometimes I wish we never hit the beaches losing 10,000 of our own in a couple hours to free you from the nazi's you ungrateful cunts. fuck.Sometime, I wish it too, but, again, you did not wanted us in an European fascist superpower or in the soviet union.