You'd preferably need to get some trickle charge system running, combine it with some simple wind and even solar if possible.
Once you have the electronics up, storage is now the next concern if you want any usefulness out of that system.
Car batteries are a favorite way to store that power. Pretty easy to work with, lots of guides.
Other high density power storage systems as well such as l-ions.
There are even more extreme ways you could store energy, like making an underground air chamber(s) where you pump air in to it.
Just make sure you build it right, external hard layer, airtight layer, internal hard layer.
You could use several materials for it, be it wood or concrete, as long as you get an actual chamber that can be buried and air put in to it.
And we are speaking small chambers here, like meter cubes.
With wooden ones, don't push the pressure too high. Also, don't force too much pressure in to either of them at all. Buy a weak, efficient pump, when it stops being able to put any more air in, switch it to another chamber.
With wooden chambers, you could pump those things out with ease and bury them. Concrete, little harder.
Wood would likely be better since you will be burying these things anyway, they will be airtight. So any chance to bulge out would be prevented for the most part by the pressure of the ground around it. Just make sure to place a roof on them that is larger than the main chambers shape so it doesn't lead to cave-in.
Enjoy your long-term and AWESOME storage.
Also flywheels are jerks.