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No.573456 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay I'm sick of this. I'm 21 and I've never had a gf. I can't stand people my age. My idea of a women is completely different from 99.9% of people my age. They are girls. They are fundamentally different.

I'm looking for a smart, "traditional", not overly superficial woman who actually has some sense of culture and passion. I could not care less for the hipsters and the trendy nonsense these days and the partying. I have no idea why there are so many emos, scene kids and all the rest of it.

So I like the outdoors. Think of a park ranger/botanist and that's the sort of person I am, without going in to detail. I've spent months on okcupid and I've got to several outdoors clubs and things and believe me I've encountered many people in my volunteering but none of them fit at all. On OkCupid I spoke to a 23 year old studying osteology at Uni for about 2 weeks and I thought we really had something but then she dissapeared for no reason. Now I feel like shit. She won't answer.

Look, this sounds a bit silly, but where are all the Jane Goodalls of the world? Where are the nice, proper women who have other hobbies other than doing drugs and partying and listening to abysmal music? Where are the 21 year olds who would rather spend time in a museum than a club?

I'm seriously loosing it. I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't spend a a significant amount of time looking for someone, but I have. It's so depressing.