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Worst /out/ Experience

No.576063 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>visiting friend in Phoenix for a week
>go on hike
>so hot, melting
>piss scared out of me when I almost step on a rattle snake
>chased by a swarm of Africanized killer bees
>saved by a ranger who takes us into some building
>after a while the coast is clear
>looking down at phone while hiking
>walk into cactus
>have to go all the way back to guy who saved us from nigger bees
>treats me, then we decide to just go home
>night time, get bit by Scorpion
>rushed to hospital
>doctor tells me I was bit by an Arizona Bark Scorpion, the most deadly scorpion in North America
>two days later go with friend on long long long drive out to somewhere, idk where.
>visiting his grandma
>leaving, see a coyote in the street
>I scream, my friend laughs
>tells me a coyote ate his grandmas neighbors cat
>I guess that's funny for some reason

What is your worst /out/ experience? What state is worst for /out/?