I stopped geocaching several years ago already. The best caches quickly became premium ones, then came coins, then micros, then people who geocached solely to get the highest possible stats... and the cancer spread even more...
Everything is bound to become a cancer at some point, and go from being a nice, simple, humble hobby, to a mainstream industry that shits all over its own origins. The worst thing is, geocaching was cancerous at its core, and showed signs only a few months after its birth. I still remember how it tried to eat up letterboxing, and faced rough attacks from the letterboxing community. Not even alternative caching communities could save it.
I just went to
geocaching.com to check how it is now. I almost threw up. It did went full cancer.
I feel like I need something new now. I still feel the urge of going out and exploring with a purpose, but I want to stay away from the cancer that geocaching has become.
What should I do? Any similar activity I could be trying?