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Any place where I can find rusty thrown out tools?

No.59903 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think I've found a hobby through being /out/side.
After finding a very rusty Estwing in a 3spooky5me tree and restoring it I have been actively seeking out old tools.
This is my most current find.
Found it embedded deep into a hillside partially buried. It's iron and sort of corroded but I've cleaned off the majority of the rust and attempted to fix the handle (but I eventually had to nail it on otherwise pushing it upward further would explode the handle top.
I'm thinking of replacing the entire handle if it doesn't work out. But regardless, I think it was a nice find.

So, /out/. What do you think of my new hobby? Worthwhile? What's yours? How did you get interested in it?