>>608787in fairness he does have the basics covered- us britbongs don't have an incredibly diverse range of terrain to cater for.
lose the tent, get a Bivi bag
get a military style poncho- probably one of the best thing I've ever bought, wearable in rain and makes a nice one man shelter
ditch the fishing kit- those crab lines are only really good to jig up and down with over a bridge or something and are impossible to cast a line with. Get some fishing line and wrap it around your water bottle- it casts the same way as a fixed spool reel, I can get a good 45-50m cast doing this.
Ditch the big knife, learn to use the middle sized one- don't give me any ' but I need to baton! it's a life or death skill!' shit no you don't, if you develop the skills you don't need a knife that big here.
Start looking for another frying pan. It took a while to find one, but in the end I managed to get hold of a small 1/2 egg sized pan with a handle that was 'full tang' metal handle ( try looking in the Range it's great for shit like this). it will get ho sure if you have to use it over a fire, but at lease the handle wont fall off. if you cant get one, a Trangia type pot grabber is a great alt option ( made of Aluminium, weighs fuck all)
Get a headlight/decent torch. that poundland-esque but is nice but doesn't look like it has a lot of miles in it. also ziplock bag with spare batteries. the cheaper stuff tends not to have any kind of power regulation, so with winter closing in, you'll be lucky to get 2-3 night out of it before you're out of power.
A fresh pair of socks in a waterproof bag. when you need to use them, you'll remember this thread and give thanks for this advice.
Learn your 1st aid kit inside and out, know what everything is and what it's for- same goes with the rest of the stuff you have, become familiar with it, get out and use it.