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Really nice canoes

No.610101 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /out/

So my dad's mom just kicked the bucket and my dad is apparently receiving a sizable amount of money from her life insurance and savings and other shit. Instead of keeping it all for himself, he's decided to share the wealth in my family, the condition being that we have to use it for something meaningful and long lasting.

I would love to get a really fucking nice canoe with whatever I get. I've wanted a canoe of my own for quite a while now, but being in college on not having a place of my own makes keeping one hard, so this is something I'll be getting in a few years, not right now. It's enough that my mom is getting her wedding ring updated with new diamonds or something, so I don't care what the price is.

What brands/models would you guys recommend? I need something that will last upwards of 20 years, and I'm thinking I want a single-person canoe.
