If y'all send your pictures to any professor of paleontology at a university they will usually ID it for free.
Protip: Usually it's crap, or nothing. People tend to over-hype their finds.
>>611488Definitely some type of plant, possibly a fern or conifer.
>>611517Hard to tell, but I have one just like it. These fossils are pretty common. You can tell what type of fish it is based on the number and location of fins, as well as the jaw structure.
>>611947These are incredibly common anywhere there's limestone. Limestone is created by ocean litter that falls to the bottom and solidifies into rock, naturally it's usually filled with various types of mollusks.
>>615380If it hasn't fossilized into stone yet (is still fresh-looking bone, though clean) it probably isn't that old.
>>615923How do you know that's dinosaur bone, have you had it independently verified by an expert?
>>618856Looks like a mollusk to me, or some ocean-dwelling bottom-feeder.