I was flying out west to a seasonal NPS job. Got body scanned twice, a pat-down, and my bag gone through; all because I didn't realize/couldn't feel a little disposable cpr shield in my pocket.
They went through every item in my pocket survival kit (stowed in my bag). But everything was okayed. Note: I checked my knife in my luggage.
Items included:
>wire saw
>sewing kit
>shaved-down candle
>safety pins
>aluminum foil
>firesteel and tender
>other stuff that would not be a red-flag.
basically don't bring a blade or explosives and you should be good. You will be molested, though.
Protip: if traveling across the U.S. and it's feasible (no time constraints; can get to and from an Amtrak station), take Amtrak. On my way back east I had two knives, all my gear, including a bottle of white gas. Went right up to the Amtrak cop and asked him about it, said I was willing to check and/or relinquish them if need be. He said:
>Can the fuel spontaneously combust or explode?
>Okay. Try not to get your knives out and don't start any fires. Have a nice trip.
I saw a lot of the country, didn't get violated at security, and met a bunch of cool people. Did get questioned briefly by undercovers in Reno, but that's because some kid had a pound of weed in his bag and I was watching the cops because I thought they looked shady. Also, I had a big hippie beard.