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No.622693 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Making some pemmican to eat during the day on a long backpacking trip. I plan on having freezedried meals for breakfast and dinner, so I'm not making this for historical reasons or anything, simply a way to have some dense calories to wolf down for cheap during the day.

A few questions since there is a ton of retarded information out there, and also some very good information.

One of the better guides I read said to use a dehydrator and don't go above 120*F since it will make the meat unsuitable. Not entirely sure what that is supposed to mean since he doesn't explain it. I would imagine it would destroy some of the protein being cooked at higher temperatures and that's what he's getting at, but I am not knowledgeable in this area.

Anybody have experience drying the meat out at temperatures exceeding that? I'm mainly wondering since the lowest setting on my oven is 170*F.

I don't plan on adding berries this batch, but I think some dried chili peppers might not be a bad idea next batch when I can make it with a dehydrator.