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What're people's problem with Capt. Paul Watson?

No.626562 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I find him very honourable. He has raised awareness about oceanic problems, such as acidification and pollutions (e.g., PCBs), and how they affect biodiversity and even our future selves.

I agree with his actions of defending cetacean life by breaking down ships and harassing stupid Faroe, Japanese fishermen, and Inuit people considering there is copious evidence defending cetacean high self-awareness and intelligence. If we acknowledge their high encephalization quotient, high degrees of brain folding, complexity of their neocortexes, psychological experiments validating strong self-awareness, and the established "theory of mind", then there is strong reason to believe their brains have a high capacity for integration and complexity, meaning they deserve to be called "non-human

While I think his means may be critiqued, one cannot disagree his end goal is not so bad.