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No.647402 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Camping, especially couple or single camping is the dumbest idea.

There are rapists and criminals roaming national parks, living in them, fully aware of every campsite and every single visitors.

They seek out loner campers, some that operates with others will seek out couples.

Raping the chick while the guy is tied up and watching is common.

I can't tell you how many times I encounter shady characters that's casing my camp out. They would follow my camp as I move from location to location, just out of my range, or so they thought.

I had to bail in the middle of the day or night as I feel they're making a move closer. I see hobos and other unsavory characters, their dirty campsites full of stolen items or items from their victims, they shook me to the core.

Some of you are too adventurous and carefree to heed this warning, like a white college teen chick going slumming in Mexico alone, thinking the world is an awesome, awesome place.

You're playing with fire. Don't ever camp alone, or just with your gf/bf.

Better yet, stop camping and stay home and watch some movies about dumb whores getting BTFO by the real park dwellers who prey on the naive.