>>662620You're joking right? Because there's just no way race-mixing on a massive scale is going to do that.
Morph pics work like that because they average out features. So all the uniquely ugly parts of faces are evened out and don't show up in the mix.
I would foresee a race-mixed America as looking like an uglier Brazil.
Why uglier? Fast food infrastructure. You'll have more malnutrition because people will be less intelligent and soft food causes shitty jaw development and teeth.
The race-mixed people will not be able to afford the same level of orthodontics so you'll all have sub-british teeth.
Another factor is the drugs pipeline established to the USA. For a time you'll still be getting lots of drugs and still able to afford them. The mixed people will possibly be indulging more than Brazilians can.
You'll all look like the people Tommy Sotomayor makes fun of in his videos.