>>665105Oh and you can kill stuff with it too....I guess.
I mean, just look at one from a engineering standpoint. They are beautiful. Like clockwork car's that can fit in a pocket and kill stuff.
How can anyone not like them?
To answer the question op, Any gun that you know how to take care of and shoot it good.
But i would get a 22. Chances are you won't shoot it much, and ammo is heavy. Best to have the most bang for you're buck.
Bears get scared of most things. But to be honest, if you are good enough to put ten rounds of 22 into a pie plate you can probably stop a bear with it.
Stopping power isn't real. Shock, pain, and spinal failure are the only reasons bears stop. Everything else take's more then two minute's to kill or shock the critter.
You are not going to out pain a bear charging, You might scare them off, but not a charge. Shock in the since of a big enough wound cavity is relegated to multiple pistol shots or well placed slugs. Think of a car made of meat. There are only a few places that will get it to die.