My paternal grandparents live on the banks of the St. Joseph river in Michigan in a subdivision that's immersed into the surrounding woods.
They're house was built in the 50's, and the entire back wall living room and dining room, connected to a sun room, is windowed. They've posted bird feeders and bird houses there because they've always loved birds. Literally have an entire bookshelf in their living room dedicated to birds.
I'll sit there for hours just watching them and the squirrels, the snakes, the toads and treefrogs, etc.
What you can see there includes, but is not limited to: Grosbeaks, swallows, swans, golden eagles, bald eagles, blue herons, green herons, night herons, double-crested cormorants, eastern bluebirds, cardinals, robins, white-breasted nuthatches, indigo buntings, cedar waxwings, downy woodpeckers, hairy woodpeckers, red-belly sapsuckers, pileated woodpeckers, red tail hawks, coopers hawks, gosh hawks, peregrine falcons, turkey vultures, great horn owls, long ear owls, barn owls, mallard ducks, wood ducks, canada geese, snow geese(?), sandpipers, mourning doves, house finches, goldfinches, song sparrows, house sparrows, egrets, mockingbirds, meadowlarks, red wing blackbirds, kites, kestrels, kingfishers, crows, ravens, and a whole ton more that I can't remember.
>Pic related, it's their back patio