>>692017>>692043Financial pain and injury anon
story #2
>be night time>go out fishing with some friends>initially fly casting, but no luck>put pole back into car>decide to go out and snag browns with a hand net instead>only successful person is my buddy's girlfriend (6.5/10 girl who is pretty out savvy sometimes, raised some garter snakes, bred them, and sold them. Pretty cool in that sense in my opinion)>cop comes by because public parks/recreational areas close after 10pm or some bullshit thing like that>asks how we caught fish and who caught it>I step up because I recall girl not having a valid fishing license (i think it may have expired)>informs me that it's illegal to net a fish>fuck.jpg>get a court date for illegally poaching animals or something>unfortunately scheduled dead center of spring break>plead guilty and tell judge my story>bro judge gives me a plea in abeyance deal because he thought the situation was stupid>still have to pay a fine though of about 150$>also missed out on spring break while buddy and his girl went to yellow stone for the breakAnyway, I love going /out/. But the worst pain or injury Ive sustained while /out/ doesn't happen to me physically, but financially. Fucking equipment costs a shit ton (though, I guess the equipment does last if used properly, its like a really expensive initial investment, so its not that big a deal) and then there are these fluke occurrences when I'm just fucking around or being a dumb ass. Hindsight is always 20/20 though and looking back, i know i could have easily avoided these situations.
For example, I could've said I caught the fucking fish with my pole which i left in the car. Or I could've driven away from the accident I caused. Don't know why I bother going about telling the truth and shit if it only gets me in shitty situations. I guess I have peace of mind though.