>>72932Sounds nice, I'd love to have a big wood near me. It's mainly flat ground in the Midlands but it makes finding trails all the more sweeter, even if they're only short 20 second downhill sections. In fact, because of the abundance of things I can stop and watch a few wild horses in the field for about an hour, completely in my element since it's not something I see often. Even having a little dog come up to me or saying hello to someone passing me is enough to make my day because I spent all of my teenage years inside depressed so I tend not to take interactions for granted.
Life's really good and my area is really nice. I'm blessed to live near the canal so I have a route either straight into the city centre or to the farmland, too. Unfortunately the farmland route is too soggy to trek through because of flooding, but still! The mud ate my shoe earlier too, almost fell in the canal (wouldn't have been the first time)