>>762348you're actually retarded. compare paracord to any decent cord - ABORIST THROWLINE or SK78 sailing cord or similar and you'll see my point.
Paracord IS bulky, why carry 4mm cord when you can carry 2mm,
Stretchy, its a NYLON cord and hurr durr nylon stretches when its wet. Hence, YES its stretchy
water ingress, again, nylon, water ingress.
Cheap, it compared to dyneema cord which is what I'd recommend to anyone actually wanting decent rope.
Place for everything. Ridgelines, guylines, lengths of rope you intend to use and reuse - INVEST in decent cord
Cord that you'll cut up, use to tie shit and leave, generally don't care about, keep a shank of paracord.
Paracord is the hugest meme ever. Once upon a time it was dirt cheap because surprise surprise they had loads of parachute surplus and loads of parachute cord.
It got used, the surplus is gone, prices rising, but people STILL USING shitty paracord.