Have been exploring across Eurp since 2008 or so, used it as a medium to get into photography, often post on /p/.
Pic related, abandoned Tucker Sno-Cats in a barn in Belgium. More of my photos here:
https://www.flickr.com/j-st/Mainly seek out industrial buildings, powerplants, factories etc. Currently in the final stages of planning and mapping out a road trip across France, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic and Austria for this August hopefully getting in some wild camping and river/lake swimming. Used to do quite a bit of draining but found it got a bit samey with little variety, plus one of my friends slipped and broke his arm and we had to haul the fucker out.
2spooky4u: About 5 years ago I was exploring some of the Maginot line bunkers in North France with close friends, we had walked about 3.5km along the underground railways to a Gun block. We had come in to the complex through a “Caserne” or one of the barrack blocks which are out on a limb. Took photographs of rusty big guns and walked back along the rails, there was a general feeling between the four of us that something wasn’t right, felt a bit uneasy. Back at the caserne, we were setting up a shot with torchlight and I caught sight of a person dressed in white walking away from me, shouted something panicky at the person and at the others who were a few yards away. White figure had fucked off by then, it was the only time I ever lost my bottle and ran, the others followed.
Can’t really explain what it was, it made me shit myself. Bunker was about 6 miles from nearest town, in the middle of woodland, took us an age to find the entrance because of overgrowth.