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No.776325 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
New thread for crazy forest stories

ill start

>be me
>be 16 year old stoner out with friends who are same
>we decided to smoke and then sleep outside around this fire pit near a local park
>before we smoke we see like 9 or 10 posters about a lost dog
>picture of some spaniel
>"missing: Mindy, brown hair, blue leash"
>we dont mind it
>we go set up tent
>we smoke, we fall asleep at nightfall

I wake up an hour later

there's a dog in outside my tent

>mfw it's Mindy
>she got into my bag
>we were keeping our weed in my bag
>she looks stoned as fuck

this dog is like 15 pounds

and it ate 17 grams

the whole bag

>Mindy's gone
>2 ladies are walking around, looking for this dog
>this happened 3 days ago

they're yet to find her