>>778987Aquatics Director at a prominent camp in the Northeast Region here. I started at 15 as a lifeguard, now I'm NCS certed and running the whole program six years later. Among camp staffs, there's the inevitable cliques that form like the stoners, superscouts, geeks that think camp work is their safespace away from chad, etc. These archetypes, within a margin of error, are attracted to certain program areas (stoners to Aquatics and COPE, superscouts to Scoutcraft, r9k geeks to the irrelevant areas like STEM and handicraft). Your area of work doesn't pigeonhole you into these classes, but it's hard to break the mold. You may be asking yourself, "why the fuck does any of this matter at scout camp?" Well, when one has to deal with the idiocy of today's social media addicted youths, yuppie helicopter parents, and angry scoutmasters for a whole summer, one need surround oneself with like individuals to stay sane.
some tips and tricks I've learned over the years:
>make friends with people that have the same night off as you>find a cheap bar nearby>find a fuckbuddy if single>get on your area director's good side by not fucking up the blue cards>if you're a director, beat it into your staff how to do blue cards right so you don't have to fix theirs>find secluded areas for shenanigans>never get caught doing shenanigans>boning the ranger's daughter is a great way to get yourself a copy of camp's master key.>beware: gossip spreads like wildfire on staff>never come back for another year on staff for the wrong reasons, you'll be 10x more miserable than normal>hotsauce and spices gives the repetitive dining hall menu variety>if working in a residential camp, pack for dorm life, but with outdoors basics tooI'll make another post with more tips if I think of any
>>780127>>784348The new director of my camp's trek program used to ranger at Philmont. He's going to be soooo underwhelmed by his new job haha