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how to deal with littering scumbags

No.780153 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How to deal with littering scumbags? A possible solution.

>Saw this guy toss trash out of his truck while he was driving in to my neighborhood

>Found out where he lives (in my neighborhood)

>Pretty sure it's some 16-18 year old faggot driving a truck his daddy bought for him

Thursday is trash day, and im going to kick his trash can and spill his trash all over his lawn the night before. The truck comes to pick it up. If it's not in the can, they won't be obligated to pick it up. No harm done to them.

Bad idea? Assuming someone sees me, ill just say it was an accident and clean it up. If no one sees my face though, im just going to run out of there. It'll be around 10 30 pm so no one else should be outside.

This won't really teach anyone a lesson, and probably just fuck up the enviroment even more, but, I want your opinions on this. Because unless it's absolutely the dumbest thing you've ever read, i'm doing it.

So, bad idea? Would you do it? What happens if i get caught and someone starts chasing me?

ready for the "youre a fucking dumbass" posts