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Abandoned as punishment, a 7-year-old Japanese boy disappears in bear-infested woods

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It was supposed to be a form of punishment, a particularly harsh and memorable kind.

But by the time Yamato Tanooka's parents came looking for him after intentionally abandoning the 7-year-old in the woods in northern Japan for several minutes, the boy was missing.

“The parents left the boy in the mountains as punishment,” a police spokesman told the Japan Times. “They said they went back to the site immediately, but the boy was no longer there.”

Hokkaido police said the child went missing around 4 p.m. (3 a.m. Eastern time) on Saturday, according to CNN. Two hours later, the network reported, the boy's parents called police and told them that the child had disappeared on a day trip while the family scavenged for wild vegetables.

Takayuki Tanooka, the boy's 44-year-old father, eventually admitted that the family's story was fabricated and that the boy had actually been left behind as punishment for throwing rocks at cars along a road in the area, the Times reported. He told a local reporter that he could not initially admit to authorities what he had done, according to the paper.

"I was not able to ask for [a search] with a reason of punishment," he told TV Asahi, according to CNN. "I thought it might be taken as a domestic violence."

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