>>801842its really depends on what you have the facilities for. i was a camp counselor for awhile
depending on age manhunt and steal the bacon are both really fun.
werewolfs is a great game if the kids can sit still for a little bit.
at lunch you can set up questions (name a state, name a rapper, action movie whatever) or have the last person to do a weird physical thing would have to stake plates or wipe down the lunch table. dumb shit like finger on the nose. cup on the head. flex mussels in a dumb way.
i loved reffing floor hockey
4 square is a good one
archery is always cool.
but honestly you want the nerdy kids
i would let them you-gee-oh cards on the picnic tables (its like magic cards) while i read. sometimes i would just kick it with them and learn how to play. or would teach them wist or hearts.
kids in general are pretty good at entertaining themselves they have a lot of games on deck. sometimes they just like to stare a trees.
if your camp has kayaking or funyakaing and you are a general councilor or bunk councilor thats the money spot right there. i got to spend hours a day just float around the lake or sleeping on the beech. there were days were i would just do archery from 9-12 and then sit in a funyak from 1:30-3:30
best job in the world right there.