>>808551Extremely important: Check his gear a couple of days before the hike. Check EVERYTHING.
Newbies make the dumbest mistakes.
Check his gear again on the morning of your departure, or the nigh before if you guys pack things then.
Special notice to shoes:
Make sure they are in good enough condition and won't fall apart along the way
Make sure they are not brand new and unused so that they will not end up killing his feet and making him drop.
Make sure he brings enough water
Make sure he is drinking enough.
Special notice food:
Newibies usually bring too much food, and of too heavy kinds, stuff like cans, fruits in large quantities etc.
Go over his food with him.
Lastly: make some extra effort for him to enjoy the hiking:
by bringing some luxury items you may not carry just for yourself (exactly which depends on you).
Could be anything from heavier tastier food (yeah I know what I said) , musical instrument, or some smoking/alcohol things...
Make a fire if possible, always makes the experience better.