>>807473Of course you try to paint me as a basement dweller. Who else would object to YOUR sort of fun? Boring losers, that's who! They're not the IN crowd like me. They must be fucking MISERABLE and JEALOUS to boot
>you hate freedomFreedom to shit up some location without responsibility and leave the second your fun is over? Yeah, I do hate your freedom to litter and not be held responsible
>you hate people having funThey can roll on molly and suck face to Calvin Harris all they want. Go for it. Sounds like an awesome time. Just don't leave your fucking trash when you go home
>you hate people who are employedWot?
>you hate people going out while you are home with mommyLel. At least I get my tendies free you fag B^)
>Take a hike to /lit/ you self hating nu male faggotYou should take a hike to /k/ or /b/. They seem much more your speed you fucking parasite
Rabid consumerism like that is what puts islands of trash into the ocean and makes rivers into open sewers. I thought you'd agree being on /out/ seeing as how so much pristine land is pissed away from people dumping garbage. Why are you on this board?