I am looking to build a lightweight packable fixed low magnification refractor for stargazing. I have a meade etx 80 objective and a 2" 30 mm multicoated 68° Ts Optics eyepiece i wanna use. I attached a sketch of how i want to build it. It will have a maginification of 13,3 and exit pupil of 6 mm, forgiving enough to handhold, i hope. I'll have to buy guide scope rings which hold the objective and the eyepiece (i will screw out the 2" tube and just let the 3 pins clam on the hull of the eyepiece to save weight/bulk and have better balance), i'll have to buy an aluminium bar or T-bar or U-bar and drill 4 holes to screw in the guidescope rings with butterfly screws for quick assembly. Over this bar i will shove bicycle handles to hold the device. I will add a conical black fabric sleeve for better optical performance.
These are the guide scope rings i want to buy:
http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p8466_TS-Optics-Guide-Scope-Rings-for-telescopes-from-D--34-mm-to-85-mm.htmlIf i disassemble i'll only have a 400mm bar, two guide rings, a flat objective and an eyepiece without the fitting tube. i think it will all weigh around 1 kg, depending on weight of the guide scope rings...
Is this a good idea or will i have trouble aligning the thing or holding the objective and eyepiece in place with each just having one guide ring?
Feel free to comment or give improvements or alternatives