[307 / 24 / ?]

224KiB, 990x742, hoh-rain-forest-olympic-national-park_51546_990x742.jpg
I know we all have (atleast) one friend who absolutly doesnt give a damn about anyting /out/ related. what are some of the dumber things you guys have heard or stupid things people have done with you when you take them /out/
Asking a girl i know if shes ever been camping:
>"no cause i dont find the point in it i rather sleep in my bed"
going hiking with one friend who never goes /out/ but really wanted to come with me and some other friends
>brings microwavable tv dinner for his trail lunch
what kinds of crazy shit have you guys experienced?
Asking a girl i know if shes ever been camping:
>"no cause i dont find the point in it i rather sleep in my bed"
going hiking with one friend who never goes /out/ but really wanted to come with me and some other friends
>brings microwavable tv dinner for his trail lunch
what kinds of crazy shit have you guys experienced?