[34 / 8 / ?]

480KiB, 900x1350, satanic_goat_baphomet_the_horned_god_satan_by_rabidcrow-d5q29mz.png
Red pill me on goats /out/
My family kept one or two when I was young, and I remember them being a huge pain in the ass as far as keeping them out of flowers and other plants.
We are looking to keep a few for milk and meet.
Any advice is appreciated.
Husbandry, different breeds, how to make goat cheese, tricks for keeping them penned in, anything.
I know they are Satan incarnate
My family kept one or two when I was young, and I remember them being a huge pain in the ass as far as keeping them out of flowers and other plants.
We are looking to keep a few for milk and meet.
Any advice is appreciated.
Husbandry, different breeds, how to make goat cheese, tricks for keeping them penned in, anything.
I know they are Satan incarnate