RVs and campers are very impractical, because they are generally built as white people toys. :/
This is sad, because in today's economy, they're extremely practical (conceptually) for people who travel for work, or even just people who don't really want to settle down and don't want to throw away money at an apartment or whatever.
Now, that said, you can make it work. You're going to have to do a lot of it yourself if you're on ANY sort of a budget though. I mean, you would spend potentially more than $100k if you can't be a bit 'handy' yourself.
I'm actually in the process (still) of fixing up a camper trailer that I bought almost a year ago, which has yet to see any real use because it was so fucked up. It's thankfully starting to *knock on wood* go pretty well. I hope to be able to actually spend the night in it soon while I patch up the rest of the stuff.
>>845961This Anon knows what's up.
The all metal Airstream campers were great and didn't tend to leak like the white-people toy garbage ones do. They can at least be maintained. I wish I had looked for one of these instead of what I bought.
Also, if you want to be a bit more 'stealthy' about it, the van option is a great way to go. And the gas mileage savings, holy shit. I'll be probably trading my truck for a van to convert into a 'stealth camper' when I am finished with my current camper project.
You'll want probably an extended length cargo van, definitely with a high top. (The kind that you can comfortably stand up in, with head room to spare.) Since you're saying you're going to live in it full time, you'll probably want a shower and toilet in there, so get well versed in plumbing. Plumbing isn't that hard (what I've done so far) but you have to kind of think it through and get used to the concepts and 'gotcha's' that there are about it.