Snowmobile story, since I don't have any hiking stories... well, this kind of involves hiking.
Grab a drink and enjoy.
>Be me, a few years ago on vacation with a crew of other decent riders
>Day 3 of our week-long trip
>On the trail, about 1600, heading back to the cabin after a day of riding
>Sun's going down, storm/clouds moving in, ceiling coming down about as fast as the temps are falling
>Another rider catches up with our anchor rider, who radios up to me to hold up, that there's an issue
>I race ahead to round up the rest of our group who was just out of radio range, 5mins later return to anchor/other-rider
>"My buddy went down the canyon and got stuck, can you help?"
>"uhm, yeah", thinking it was going to be an easy/quick recovery
>basically, "He's down there, in the canyon."
>Pic related.
>Fortunately there was enough phone coverage to get calls through, since neither of these two riders had radios
>Fortunately for them we had trail/topo maps and GPS, neither of them did
>Rider in the canyon's OK, no medical issues, but the sled's stuck and he can't get back up the canyon
>We consult GPS and maps, get an idea of the terrain
>Knowing avalanche conditions and looking at the terrain on map/GPS, things aren't looking good
>We're not going down there, since the only way out that we can tell is a long way around, and we don't have daylight for that
>Rider in the canyon starts hiking up the canyon
>Also, there's 2-3ft of fresh snow on top of 6+ft base