>>860422 again>>861809>paramedicnice, I work with EMT's every now and then. The shit you guys have to put up with sometimes... not just from clients, but politically as well... mad respect for dealing with that shit as professionally as you do.
>>865423>college admissions>internship (they specifically told me that Eagle is what I had over the other candidates)>it can't hurt to show that you had initiative from a younger age.(You) got it. People generally know what it is and have respect for what the Eagle badge stands for.
Every now and then I talk to coworkers and the topic of scouting comes up... Couple other Eagles in the company, and a bunch of coworkers with kids in scouts. Their reaction when they find out I'm an Eagle is usually initial surprise, then "I kind of expected that, actually. That's neat though, never knew that about you."
>>865585As I get ready for the riding season... sponsorship commitments, going to shows/events... scheduling events/races/rides/classes/time-off from work through the winter... i'm also working with some higher-level instructors to further my skills as an educator this coming season.
Because snow-science and avalanche education isn't my career, I don't have many "official" certifications for that. I carry what I need, but professionally I'm an engineer, not a snow scientist.
"Eagle Scout" does stand out, even in those circles, as someone who knows a thing or two about the backcountry.
My experience on a snowmobile as a rider/racer/educator doesn't hurt, but again, it's not my career.