>>860824Barefoot fag here.
I've been using the same pair of shoes for seven years, since they just don't wear out for how little i wear them (no shirt, no shoes, no service)
Apparently when you wear shoes, you walk differently.
I tend to walk on the front of my foot rather than my heel, which is mostly so that i can adjust the weight to various sections of my foot in case i step on anything sharp, like thorns or something.
Doing that all the time will make your feet and calves muscular, since you're using your whole foot as a spring to slowly apply the pressure of your body weight instead of rolling on your heel.
Your feet also toughen up a lot the more you go barefoot.
I can walk on snow, gravel, pinecones, hot asphalt and most other things without hurting my feet.
It's funny watching people that wear shoes trying not to hurt their feet walking on rough gravel.
Wearing shoes tends to make my feet hurt, even just sandals, though i'm not sure why.
Just keep your damn shoes off, all the time.
All the time. Socks too.
If your feet get cold, let them get cold.
If your feet get sore, let them be sore. They'll toughen up within the year.