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Another /out/ newbie thread.

No.861744 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Looking to getting into /out/ stuff, such as camping/hiking/bushcraft/hunting. I live in middle TN. Anything by way of tips to how and where to start for all of those. I am always told to avoid designated camping grounds, and to get into dispersed camping, but I have no idea where to go that allows it/has the least amount of red tape. I am willing to learn and go to wherever would accommodate my progress. My reasons for wanting to do this is that I am tired of being shut in my house, only going to work/school, or hanging out in the usual spots with gf. I want to gain and develop skills and be a part of something. You guys probably dont care, but I know I am serious about this, and I want to do it the way that is both enjoyable and correct.