>>89305People get stranded, survive plane crashes, get turned around and lost on backpacking trips.
Every show Grylls points out recent cases of how people have gotten lost and/or died where he is filming.
It most definitely is possible that someone could find themselves in these situations who didn't actively seek to be lost out in the wilderness.
The problem with Bear Grylls isn't the fact that he sleeps in a hotel or has a full crew with him, that doesn't bother me.
What bothers me about him is that he gives advice and shows stunts that would likely get someone serious injured if they actually tried it in a survival situation, where they are fatigued, dehydrated and without help. The condition you see Bear in because he sleeps in a trailer and eats well.
He constantly takes risks, climbs difficult rocks at every chance, does things that invite animals and suggests activities that are not the safest course of action.
All that would be fine and well except he's doing it under the guise of giving advice for people in survival situation. It's incredibly irresponsible of him.
Shows like Survivorman are far more interesting to me.
I'll still laugh at Bear for being the clown that he is, the same way I chuckle at the fools that buy his uber shitty Gerber branded products.