>>895667My life is too valuable to trust that a bear is just false charging me.
>it works if you actually use it on them. show me any footage where a bear actually was sprayed (not just the cloud falling short or missing on purpose) and was just going on like nothing happenedI linked the vid before of the mauled guy that used bear spray. Do you honestly think there would be a vid of it failing and someone getting mauled? Do you think that you would still be recording when getting your face bitten off? Use logic.
I can already tell you're a city dwelling bitch. Even the toughest most rugged explorers feared bears. One of the most well known hunter/trapper/explorer Hugh Glass was almost killed by a grizzly. If his hunting partner hadn't been there to shoot it Hugh would have died.
You no doubt have never crossed paths with a grizzly. I have multiple times when I was a guide. I would never just shoot a bear that is acting passively. But I will tell you this. The second it makes the slightest inclination of wanting to come at me, I will put 5 slugs into it.
My life>bear's life every time. I won't temp death by pissing it off with bear spray.