Depends on how long you've been dating & how serious you are. If it's been a while and you're serious and she likes /out/ get her some fuckin' brand name. Even if she "doesn't care" she cares, and all her friends care so just go gnab some fucking black friday shit and be over with it.
Remember your buying the shit so she's comfy /out/, and so that she'll think she looks good. Make sure there's a good return policy and tell her about it. Tell her you thought it looked good in the store/online, but weren't sure how it'd be on her. Suggest she return it for something different and remind her that it's for being comfy while /out/.
If she's cool, she'll keep it or get something that makes /out/ more enjoyable in the cold. If she's ok, she'll keep the shell and wear it on occasion.
You didn't do it right if she never wears it.
Dump her ass if she returns it for money and never gets another.
>>899415>>899471These guys offer based advice here. If anything, buy another /out/ cold weather jacket for yourself and have her wear one of yours. If you haven't been dating long dont fuck with $200 gifts, even if you can afford it or whatever.