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No.899816 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
'elo /out/

recently inherited some land and an old decrepit house and i'm looking into stopping being a citycuck and moving there and building a new house and growing food.

problem is, there used to be a copper mine in the area that supposedely contaminated the water that's in the sewer system. there is a fresh water well there, but due to some fuckery from the ex commie government, it's 30 meters outside of the land, across a road, so it's not very practical to use it.

my question is, is it possible to purify the water from the copper or should i just haul water from the well? purification via evaporation seems pretty impractical to me, but will it even work? would reverse osmosis filters work? is the water being contaminated with copper even a problem if i'm using it to water plants and for washing?

what are my options here?

thank ye kindly.

pic sorta related