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No.904166 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /out/ I have a problem with trespassers. My grandparents own 120 acres, half or so is farm field, house, barn, grainery, etc which is the portion that can be seen from the road. The rest is all woodland and the neighbors trespass CONSTANTLY. It's a pretty rural area so we dont have tons of neighbors but they often have lots of people over and tell them it's okay to go on our property. Another problem is nobody lives there constantly so it's easy for the neighbors to tell nobody is there when there's no cars out in front of the house. This also makes it hard for us to catch them in the act but we have a few times, we've also torn down tree stands they've put on our property, found shotgun wads on our trails that are obviously not ours, and occasionally there's some (minimally) damaged property or items(usually tools) go missing. We've tried talking to them, that obviously didn't work. Law enforcement has also been no help, that's a long story. I'm out of ideas and this has been going on basically since my great grandfather bought the property like 60 years ago.